My favourite kind of walks are the ones that involve coffee and cake. I’ll take it at the start, the middle or the end it just always makes the miles go quicker. A few weeks ago we decided to try a new cafe on Cannock Chase and managed to work out a brisk 3 miles around it. Fallow Forest, Cannock Chase is a delightful outdoor cafe located on the War Memorial side (west) of Cannock Chase. We began with a coffee and slice of homemade lemon drizzle. I think if we’d popped in after the walk I may have opted for a glass of prosecco – it’s been one of those weeks. I love this side of the chase, its home to one of my favourite walks following the Cannock Chase War Memorials.

Fallow Forest, Cannock Chase walk details
We began the walk in the cafe car park. There’s a small wooden gate which you can open and head through to get to the woods. You’ll see a small path with low level lighting leading up a small incline. Follow this up past a small fenced dwelling on your right. This place looks amazing with a hot tub and fire pit in the garden. I’m guessing it’s a rental and have made a mental note to look up the details. I’m always looking for great places to stay near the Chase!

Keep going past this little house, through the trees until you get to the road. Please be careful here with kids and dogs, cars don’t slow down. Cross over into the woods on the other side. This is where we messed up a bit, we took a diagonal through the woods but couldn’t find a path. The terrain was not particularly friendly but the girls loved jumping over trees and fighting their way through the bracken.

If you don’t fancy fighting your way through the Cannock Chase jungle, turn left and follow the road before crossing. Then cross over and follow the path to the car park which will bring you to where we exited the woods. From here the terrain gets a little more open. Cross the small road where you’ll probably see some parked cars and head across the field. you’ll soon come to some more wood.

Keep going through the forest until you see the German War Memorial through the fence to your right. At the end of the fence, turn right and walk down the small hill. You’ll meet another trail at the bottom. Turn left and keep following it. This is again a fairly open area with some gorgeous views of the chase.

Keep going along this path until you reach a green gate. It’s right next to the perfect tree for swinging. Perhaps this would have been a good place to stop for that lemon drizzle. Unfortunately it had been gobbled up already!

Depending on when in the year you’re visiting, there may be cattle grazing on this part of the chase so pop any dogs back on the lead to avoid scaring them. Follow this part up and round to the right till you hit a carpark. We turned back on our selves here.
This time you’ll be taking the first small track to your left which will take you though a small wooded area to a small kissing gate. I love the scenery here and how the light gets so low at this time of the year. The colours are absolutely amazing. Follow the trail through the oranges and golds of the bracken until you hit the trees again.

Once you hit the woods it may get a little muddy so take this bit slow. You’ll also have to step over a few fallen trees crossing the path.
Make sure you join the Marvellous Midlands Walks Facebook Group where you can share your favourite routes, photos and recommendations for walks in the Midlands. It’s also a great place to ask for recommendations and find inspiration for your next hike.

You’ll eventually come out at the Cannock Chase War Cemetery. Keep it to your right and cross the road. Once you’ve made it over safely go left for a short way then turn right into the trees. Follow the trail down and you’ll be back through the gate to Fallow Forest in no time.

Fallow Fields Walk with dogs
This is a great hike on Cannock Chase to complete with dogs. Most of it can be off lead and there are plenty of sticks to chase and new smells to discover. Some parts may have cattle grazing and there are a couple of roads to cross. Best to pop them back on in these areas to keep them safe.
Length of Walk: This one was just 3 miles in total
Duration: The loop from Fallow Forest took us around an hour and a half. Give yourself extra time to grab some treats from the Cafe.

Facilities: Fallow Forest is a Garden Centre and open air cafe. It really is so pretty, think fairy lights and contemporary design. There are no other facilities on this part of Cannock Chase.

Difficulty: Whilst most of this walk is pretty flat, the terrain at times isn’t all that easy. You’ll be going through mud, over trees and if you follow my route, completely off path.
Car Parking: We parked at the Fallow Forest cafe car park (WS12 4PS) although this will not always be open or allowing you to leave cars for long periods of time. Please always check with the cafe first. If you can’t park at the cafe then try the Cannock Chase war cemetery car park (WS12 4PT) which will shave a few minutes off your walk.
You might also like this guide to a quick but challenging walk from Seven Springs, also on Cannock Chase or for another one that includes a great coffee, check out the Deer Park near Hoar Cross about 20 minutes drive from the Chase.
Make sure you pin for later to plan your circular route from Fallow Forest, Cannock Chase